Некоммерческие организации в России
Русская версия

Contents of N2/2017

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Contents of №2' 2017

Administration, control and accounting of insurance contributions for compulsory pension, social and medical insurance for non-profit organizations

Oparina S.I., Deputi Head of Finansial Management and finance MGUU Moscow Government

2017 there have been changes in the work of nonprofit organizations with the procedure for payment of contributions for compulsory pension and health insurance contributions in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood. The law on insurance contributions cancelled replaced by Chapter 34 of the tax code.

Keywords: administration, supervision, insurance premiums, accounting, mandatory pension, social and medical insurance, non-profit organizations, religious organizations.


Working hours of persons working in religious organizations

Avdeev V.V., Consultant for Taxes and Levies

Inside the establishment of religious organizations often determine the working hours of their employees. Such internal regulations "must" conform to the normal working hours laid down by the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. Read about it in this article.

Keywords: labor relations, religious organizations, NGOs.


Inter-sectoral social partnership: NGOs, government, business

Grishchenko Y.I., Ph.D., аssociate Professor of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation pochta2807@gma

The classical political science identifies three sectors of civil society: the state, private and public. The growth of social tension, the increasing complexity of social problems leads to the need for joint cooperation between civil society sectors in order to achieve socially significant goals.
Keywords: cross-sectoral social partnerships, socially oriented non-profit organization, government, business.


Current questions of the state supervision on activiti of the self-regulating organizations in the Russian Federation

Smirnova E.E., The senior lecturer of the Tax policy and customs and tariff regulation Department; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation elenasmirnova@mail.ru

Article is devoted to questions of check of the organization of work of the self-regulating organizations in the sphere of a gaming. Powers of Federal Tax Service of Russia on implementation of the state supervision are considered. Offers on increase of efficiency of supervising actions are given.

Key words: tax, non-profit organizations, self-regulating organizations, game business.


Endowment funds in the field education in Russia and abroad

Grischenko A.V., Chief Editor, auditor Russian Finanse Ministry, Associate Professor of «Finansial Management and Finansial  Law» MGUU Moscow Government
ManankinaM.V., MMGU

Since the adoption of the specific capital law passed more that 10 years. Today we can safely say that the Federal Law № 275-FZ of December 30, 2006 «On the order of formation and use of non-profit endowment organizations» laid the foundation for the new, for the Russian practice, the mechanism financing of non-profit organizations. The article analyzes how growth sian practice of creation and functioning of the endowment fund, so and their foreign counterparts – endowment funds. Particular attention is given to the highest institution.

Keywords: target capital, endowment fund, NGOs, development, formation of. 


Legislative rules to control efficiency of state procurements

Kosyakov M.A.,  Head Of  Unified Information and Payment Center's Audit and Communication Department 
Sidneva E.N., Head of North Medvedkovo Disctict's Municipal Council Organization Department, Moscow

State procurements market is an important element in the country's socio-economic development. In people-centered economy state procurement is one of the most powerful and effective state policy tools to solve such important tasks as: 
─  providing the common economic area,
─  developing the markets and ensuring competitive environment, 
─  supporting regions and  groups of population, 
─  developing certain market entities and economic sectors.

Keywords: state procurements, economy, financial control. 


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